Welcome to Bower Bird Designs very first newsletter – A Handmades tale.
It has taken a while to get to this point but this quarter we have been busy with fresh designs, new plants and finally a website and online store. Check us out at www.bowerbirddesigns.net
Here you can find all our original products as well as new designs, news and special offers. Next quarter we will have videos on the best way to water your pot plants and how to care for your air plants- provided my very talented 10-year-old assistant will help me with the technical stuff.
Don’t forget to come and vist us at our next event which is Perth Upmarket at UWA on Sunday 26 March. We will be on the lawn in the same location as previous Upmarkets. We have a brand new display with props made by Marketstall Co in Melbourne which we are in love with and can’t wait to show you – it really compliments our work and we would love to get your feedback.
This summer has been an interesting one in the garden with hot spells followed by cool spells and lots of humidity. Our air plants have dried out recently so keep them out of the wind which is relentless at the moment and still hot enough to damage delicate plants. Devils Ivy is the seasons winner – honestly you can’t kill this plant and the ones we have are growing like weeds. They seem to love the heat and a southern position with morning or afternoon sun suits them just fine. You will see we have used it a lot for the March Upmarket because coming in to winter a hardy indoor plant will probably do better than succulents but we all know how much we love our succulents…
Keep your eye on our Facebook page for the open garden invitation in April and until next quarter – Happy Gardening!